er Military School and College Alumni

Help continue the Kemper legacy



Honoring Missouri’s Military School Legacy

Missouri Tri-Military Logo

The Kemper Military School Alumni Association proudly recognizes the legacy of Missouri Military Academy (MMA) and Wentworth Military Academy, as well as the enduring connection among our institutions through the Tri-Military School Alliance.

Missouri has a long and distinguished tradition of military education, with Kemper, Wentworth, and MMA standing as pillars of leadership and character development for generations of cadets. We recognize that MMA is the last remaining military academy in Missouri, and it is important that Kemper and Wentworth alumni support their mission to ensure that military education and leadership training continue for future generations. The rivalries, camaraderie, and shared experiences among our schools created lifelong memories and forged bonds that continue to unite our alumni.

As MMA carries forward the mission of military education, it upholds the values, traditions, and leadership principles instilled at Kemper and Wentworth. Thousands of cadets from all three institutions have gone on to lead with honor, integrity, and resilience. We are grateful for MMA’s commitment to preserving this legacy and providing future generations with the same foundation of excellence that defined our schools.

Together, we celebrate our shared heritage and stand in support of MMA’s continued success in shaping tomorrow’s leaders.

If you or someone you know is wanting information about a Military School education in the state of Missouri please reach out to MMA Admissions at (573) 581-1776 for more information.